Environmental responsibility

Aware of the ecological footprint that a company's activity can generate, DECOTEC strives to apply the principles of sustainable development throughout the manufacturing process of its bathroom furniture.

Meuble Bento perle ) DECOTEC

DECOTEC’s purpose, as a creator of well-being, reflects the company’s philosophy: to offer a better quality of life to both its customers and employees.

This is why DECOTEC is committed daily to respecting both human and natural resources, striving to reduce its environmental impact and ultimately achieve a positive impact on the planet.

The DNA of our company, our values guide our actions.






The pillars of our CSR strategy are

  • Our financial stability and sustainable economic growth
  • Our social commitment and local anchoring
  • The minimization of our environmental footprint
  • The promotion of well-being at work and the absence of discrimination

EPV Label


The excellence of DECOTEC’s expertise is recognized with the French state label EPV – Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Company). DECOTEC is the only French bathroom furniture manufacturer to have received this prestigious label.

Meuble karma chêne poutre

Short Supply Chains

Our five workshopsjoinery, painting, composite, foundry, and assembly—are all located on the same site in Tuffé, Sarthe, ensuring full control over our production through a short and optimized supply chain.

Our collections are made from European raw materials, and our subcontractors are located close to our workshops.

Deliveries of our furniture are dispatched directly from our company’s dock.

By reducing the distance between production stages and delivery, we significantly lower our carbon footprint.

Durability - Repairability

RSE DECOTECThe high-quality manufacturing of DECOTEC furniture allows us to offer a 5-year warranty, ensuring they last even longer. Spare parts are available for 10 years through our after-sales service, even after our collections are discontinued.


Ecovadis - DECOTEC

Aware of its environmental responsibility, DECOTEC is fully committed to concrete actions. Its approach is certified by Ecovadis.

  • Certified materials
  • Ethical suppliers
  • Made-to-order manufacturing
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)
  • Material change for color samples
  • Ink change for packaging

Certified Materials

DECOTEC works with PEFC-certified wood or controlled sources, meaning it comes from sustainably managed forests, where every tree cut down is replanted.

Our lacquers are certified formaldehyde-free and styrene-free.

The Selection of Our Suppliers

All suppliers working with DECOTEC have signed a code of conduct in line with the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) objectives.

Made-to-Order Manufacturing

Manufacturing on demand reflects DECOTEC’s commitment to promoting a more resource-conscious consumption model, respecting both human and natural resources.

By optimizing the use of raw materials and energy, DECOTEC reduces its environmental impact and minimizes its ecological footprint.


DECOTEC has chosen to replace the plastic color samples in its Colorama with wood samples made from offcuts generated during the production of its furniture.

Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)

DECOTEC has committed to using renewable energy sources, particularly solar energy, by installing solar panels for its operations.

This initiative reduces our dependence on conventional energy sources and contributes to a cleaner energy mix.

DECOTEC regularly monitors its energy consumption through detailed assessments. These evaluations help us identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce overall consumption.

Recyclable Ink

Back to basics with a sleek, 100% recyclable packaging design.

DECOTEC has redesigned the packaging of its iconic Longchamp towel holder, now using recyclable ink on recycled and recyclable cardboard.

Goodbye glossy finishes—simplicity takes center stage.

Social Role & Human Resources

DECOTEC is fully aware of its societal role, maintaining 166 jobs in Sarthe while fostering the development and growth of its employees’ skills.

Most of DECOTEC’s team members live near the company, strengthening local ties and contributing to the regional economy.


DECOTEC collaborates with local integration associations to assist with certain tasks. Two ESAT (organizations supporting employment for people with disabilities) have been our trusted partners for many years.

The men and women of DECOTEC, sharing the same values of excellence and high standards, work with passion to design, create and shape our furniture. We believe in the richness of each person, in the complementarity of talents and in diversity.

2 of our 5 production workshops are run by women, the carpentry workshop and the assembly-assembly workshop.

Well-Being at Work

For DECOTEC, health and safety preservation is a top priority. The company is committed to taking proactive measures to anticipate risks associated with workshop operations through:

  • Information: Implementation of a welcome booklet and an informative guide on best practices in factory work.
  • Training and awareness: Raising awareness of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) issues.
  • Providing essential safety and health protection equipment in an industrial environment.
  • Workplace versatility: Preventing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) by diversifying tasks.

Professional Equality

DECOTEC’s overall gender equality index is 84 out of 100.

DECOTEC employs 101 men and 65 women, representing a 39% female workforce.